What is a SCRAM Bracelet
SCRAM Bracelet, also known as SCRAM Ankle Monitor, is a device to monitor a person's alcohol consumption by sampling sweat.
SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring. As the name describes, the alcohol level in the body will be constantly reported to a remote server.
The purpose of the bracelet is to help people avoid alcohol problems or recover from alcohol addiction.
The device is also known as Alcohol Ankle Monitor or Alcohol Monitor Bracelet.

Who uses a SCRAM Bracelet?
Study shows more than 900,000 people have experienced wearing a SCRAM Bracelet. That is quite a lot considering it is equivalent to 1/400 of the United States population.
The reason SCRAM Bracelet is so popular is that it plays a key role in helping people with alcohol-related problems.
Some clients that can benefit from wearing a SCRAM Bracelet include:
- DUI Offender
- Alcohol Addiction
- Domestic Violence Abuser
- High-Risk Health Concerns
In most cases, wearing a SCRAM Bracelet is a trade-off choice for people who are facing legal charges and trying to avoid incarceration. The court can order the defendant a 24/7 monitoring restriction in exchange for a certain freedom.
How does a SCRAM Bracelet work

The mechanism of the SCRAM Bracelet is quite straightforward. An automated device periodically collects a sample of your sweat, test for alcohol, and reports the result.
What makes SCRAM so widely used is the continuous system. The sampling occurs every 30 minutes all day and night, which is why the word "Continuous" is part of its name.
Study shows only 1% of consumed alcohol gets extracted from the body through sweat. You may have an experience noticing an aromatic alcohol smell coming from a person's body even after drinking.
The success rate of the SCRAM system in keeping users sober is an astonishing 99.3%, one of the highest accountability approaches to introducing an alcohol-free lifestyle.
Does your time wearing a SCRAM Bracelet count toward any credit
The time you spent wearing a bracelet will not be credited or count toward the time served.
Being under monitoring restriction is considered a choice bound with bail conditions, while the other choice is to be incarcerated. Some people do prefer to stay in jail to start their time serving.
Can you Fool a SCRAM Bracelet?
The SCRAM Bracelet company claims the system is nearly impossible to fool. The device has a feature to detect and notify activities categorized as tampering.
Common ways people attempt to trick the device are:
- Block the alcohol detection sensor.
- Directly apply alcohol to set up a false alarm situation.
- Submerge underwater.
- Turn off by draining power.
A high possibility of triggering a tamper event or rule violation will follow when an attempt to fool a SCRAM Bracelet. We advise sticking with the rule to be away from trouble.
How does SCRAM Bracelet send reports?

The organization that provides the SCRAM Bracelet also service software and database system to organize information.
Alcohol test results can be sent from your location to the server in many ways, including wireless, landline, and Ethernet networks.
Some systems will require setting up a server at your house to perform reliable network communication.
How to hide a SCRAM Bracelet
There are different ways to hide an ankle device. Luckily SCRAM Bracelet is easier to hide compared to other Ankle Monitor devices considering the smaller size.
The most common way is to simply wear long jeans over the device. Some also wear socks over the device to stop it from moving.
For more ways to hide an Ankle Monitor
How much does a SCRAM Bracelet cost
The cost to set up a bracelet including the registration ranges between $50 to $100.
Depending on your financial status, an additional $12 to $14 utilization fee will be charged per day. That is equivalent to $360 ~ $420 a month.
We understand the overall cost of using a SCRAM Bracelet can be quite expensive and some people cannot afford it.
If financial pressure is a problem, talk to your monitoring supervisor or submit a motion to the court for consultation. There are many cases where people were able to get support to reduce partial or full costs.
Does SCRAM Bracelet have GPS

Most alcohol monitoring bracelets will not have the GPS feature. However, the company that makes SCRAM Bracelet does have a product with GPS.
Some legal cases benefit by monitoring both the alcohol and the location, such as domestic violence charges associated with drinking. The GPS feature will ensure the safety of the victim.
To understand what type of monitoring system you have it is best to directly ask your monitoring supervisor.
How long will I have to wear SCRAM Bracelet
The amount of time required to wear a bracelet depends on the seriousness of the alcohol problem that led to the situation.
It can range anywhere from less than 1 month to longer than 1 year. The statistic shows that the more compliant you are the less time you have to wear.
Can a SCRAM Bracelet detect drugs

SCRAM Bracelets are made to only detect alcohol.
Taking a drug will most likely not trigger spikes on the monitor, yet this entirely depends on the drug you are taking.
We advise communicating with your monitoring supervisor beforehand to make sure you are not violating any terms in case a separate drug test is planned.
Can you use mouthwash while wearing a SCRAM Bracelet

You should avoid using any alcohol-contained product while being monitored. While mouthwash may be considered a false alarm, causing any type of alcohol detection alarm will not look good on you.
Can you wear socks under SCRAM Bracelet
Wearing socks underneath a SCRAM Bracelet is strongly prohibited due to the nature of the system.
SCRAM Bracelet requires direct skin contact to collect samples and messing with its actions may trigger a tamper event.
How to make SCRAM Bracelet more comfortable

Wearing a SCRAM Bracelet can cause discomforts like pain and distraction. Unlike other non-SCRAM Ankle Monitor users, SCRUM Bracelet users may require tighter attachment to ensure constant skin-to-device contact.
One solution is to stabilize the device in place using Aid Loop.
Learn more about how Aid Loop works
You can always ask your monitoring supervisor to request losing or switching to the other ankle.
What will happen if I remove my SCRAM Bracelet
Removing a bracelet is a violation that may lead to serious consequences. Your monitoring supervisor and the court will be immediately notified to start the investigation.
Breaking the device or removing the cover is also considered a tempering act that leads to trouble.
If your bracelet came off by itself, contact your monitoring supervisor and explained the situation to avoid any trouble.
Can you drink the night before getting a SCRAM Bracelet
On average a healthy liver takes 1 hour to process 1 ounce of alcohol.
Because SCRAM Bracelet will only detect alcohol when processed by your body, it comes down to time and amount of consumption.
Is SCRAM Bracelet waterproof

SCRAM Bracelet is waterproof and there is no problem taking a shower while wearing it.
However, the product company recommends users not submerge the system underwater. There is a possibility of causing a short circuit or breaking the device by water leaking through small cracks.
It is best to avoid taking a bath or swimming in a pool with it.
Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM) Bracelet is one of the types of Ankle Monitor specifically designed to detect a user's alcohol consumption. The bracelet periodically samples sweat through skin contact and reports to a remote server.
We answered many frequently asked questions including, how the system works, does it have a GPS feature, and how to make the bracelet more comfortable.