Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you been recently introduced to an Ankle Monitor lifestyle? Are you experiencing an Ankle Monitor related challenges and looking for an answer?

Start here to find answers to our most frequently asked questions.

About Ankle Monitor Aid

Our Mission

Our mission at Ankle Monitor Aid is to provide support and solutions to people who are under having Ankle Monitor difficulties. We learn from stories shared by Ankle Monitor wearers to study methods and tools that will help brighten their day.

Purchase and Shipping

How would my purchase show in shipping/payment?

Our name will show on your purchase as "Ankle Aid".

We understand some people may not want the word "Ankle Monitor" to be shown. Any purchase at our site will show as "Ankle Aid" throughout the shipping and payment transactions.

General Ankle Monitor Questions

What is an Ankle Monitor?

Ankle Monitor is a signal device for sending the wearer's information to a remote system. Device communication is performed using Global Positioning System (GPS) or Radio Transmission technology. As the name indicates, the device is usually attached to one's ankle.

Can an Ankle Monitor be taken off?

No, you are not allowed to take off your Ankle Monitor unless granted by the court. This means the Ankle Monitor must be on you while,

  • Sleeping.
  • Working.
  • Taking a shower.

Who wears an Ankle Monitor?

A person wearing an Ankle Monitor may be because of one of the following reasons.

  • Alcohol Monitoring. Alcohol-related legal trouble, such as DUI, may lead to wearing an Ankle Monitor designed for alcohol monitoring. The device includes a feature for detecting alcohol consumption through skin contact. This type of Ankle Monitor can help recover alcohol addiction by enforcing rehabilitation for people that are unable to self-restrict from drinking.
  • Restraining Order. Ankle Monitor can be placed on a person who received a restraining order for being near a certain person or a location.
  • Pre-Trial. When a person is bailed from custody and waiting for trial may need to wear an Ankle Monitor. Restricting the allowed location and schedule lowers the risk of the wearer fleeing from the situation.
  • Probation. A court may order a person to wear an Ankle Monitor as part of the probation requirements.
  • Parole. Early release from jail may be granted with a restriction of wearing an Ankle Monitor.
  • House Arrest. Law-enforced residential confinement usually comes with an Ankle Monitor.
  • Immigration Detention. In case of deportation procedure, Customs Enforcement may assign an Ankle Monitor to detain from fleeing.

How does it feel to wear an Ankle Monitor?

Wearing an Ankle Monitor does not feel good, but not as bad as it seems. There is little to no effect on daily physical movement.

If you don't want people to notice your Ankle Monitor, it can be easily hidden by wearing jeans long enough to hide the device.

Mental distraction and stress are known side effects of wearing an Ankle Monitor. Most of the ill feelings come from other concerns such as court visits, associated restrictions, and legal challenges.

What are the types of Ankle Monitors?

  • Radio Frequensy (RF) Mointor. RF monitor system comes in two parts, the transmitter device attached to an ankle and the receiver placed at the wearer's home. The communication distance between the transmitter and the receiver must stay within the pre-configured range during the scheduled time.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) Monitor. GPS monitor sends a locational signal to a remote server through a satellite-based system. Supervision Officers will use this system to measure compliance against curfew and access to prohibited areas.
  • Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring (SCRAM). SCRAM comes with a feature that can detect alcohol from skin contact. A periodical signal will report the condition of the alcohol detection to the remote server.

Can an Ankle Monitor listen to your conversations?

Some Ankle Monitor does have a built-in microphone to listen to and report your conversation. If you are not sure if your Ankle Monitor has this feature, ask your Supervision Officer for the details of your condition.

Can an Ankle Monitor electrically shock you?

No, Ankle Monitor does not electrify the wearer.

Can you shower wearing an Ankle Monitor?

Most Ankle Monitor is designed to be waterproof and safe to shower while wearing. However, an Ankle Monitor may break by submerging under water because of the different levels of sensitivity.

In any case, Ankle Monitor's electric currency will not shock the wearer through water contact.

Rules and Consequences

Why do you have to wear an Ankle Monitor?

When you break certain laws, the court will have the right to place you under Ankle Monitor supervision. While being told to wear an Ankle Monitor sounds horrible, in many cases the situation of wearing an Ankle Monitor can be considered a better outcome compared to being sent to jail.

Being told to wear an Ankle Monitor shows there is a certain level of trust in you. While you are considered worthybeinge out of jail, it is a great opportunity for you to build a record of good behavior.

What are the common legal rules associated with Ankle Monitor?

  • Do not take off the device. You are not allowed to take off the device. Taking off the device will be considered an immediate violation of the order.
  • Do not tamper with the device. Damaging or making an unauthorized alteration is also considered a violation.
  • Keep the device charged. This is one of the most common reason people wearing an ANkle Monitor gets in trouble. You must always keep the Ankle Monitor device charged and never let the battery die.
  • Follow the curfew. Stay at your home during the specified time. This means you cannot leave too early, come back late, or stay over the night.
  • Prohibited access. Some public areas are prohibited from entering.
  • Travel restriction. Traveling outside of the allowed area will require permission. The area may vary from country, state, county, city, or your house property depending on the case.
  • Keep a Job. Must maintain to be an active member of society by having an income.
  • Meet with Supervision Officer. Your Supervision Officer may want to meet you on schedule or by demand. If a conflict occurs discuss it with your Supervision Officer as soon as possible.
  • Pay any court fees. You are responsible for paying all your court fees.
  • Stay away from drugs and/or alcohol. Alcohol may be allowed in some cases. Having a drug-free lifestyle shows your self-restrictiveness and cooperativeness.

What will happen if you remove an Ankle Monitor without permission?

You do NOT want to remove your Ankle Monitor without permission. The reason is simple, your Ankle Monitor is a legitimate representation of the trust given by the court.

The consequence of removing an Ankle Monitor is most likely being sent to jail. Even worse you may end up with a stricter punishment due to breaking the promise you agreed.

What NOT to do if you are wearing an Ankle Monitor

  • Do not forget to charge the battery. This is the number one reason people get in trouble.
  • Do not take off an Ankle Monitor without permission from the court.
  • Do not go to any restricted location.
  • Do not go outside of an allowed area.
  • Do not prevent the Ankle Monitor from skin contact.
  • Do not submerge an Ankle Monitor under water.
  • Do not apply strong impact on an Ankle Monitor.
  • Do not take off any stickers attached to an Ankle Monitor.

Legally Removing an Ankle Monitor

Can an Ankle Monitor be legally removed?

Yes, Ankle Monitor can be legally removed.

It is important to know that an Ankle Monitor can be legally removed before the court-ordered date. 

In many legal cases, the Ankle Monitor restriction is the default protocol under bond release conditions. With a proper legal proposal, there is a high chance that the court will grant your request to remove your Ankle Monitor restriction.

How to legally remove an Ankle Monitor

The ultimate goal of anyone who's wearing an Ankle Monitor is to legally remove the Ankle Monitor. While this requires a legal approach, many people were able to grant a court order to take off the Ankle Monitor.

The step-by-step instruction can be found in the following link.

How to legally remove an Ankle Monitor

How long does it take to legally remove an Ankle Monitor

The time it will take to legally remove an Ankle Monitor depends on many factors, such as the type of the offense, speed of the motion delivery, and the judge's availability.

The best way to understand when you can remove your Ankle Monitor is to discuss it with your lawful attorney.

Lifestyle Management

What questions to ask your Supervision Officer

There are several important questions that you want to ask your Supervision Officer. Understanding your conditions and restrictions is the best way to keep you out of trouble.


  • Preferred way of an emergency contact. Mostly by phone call or text.
  • In-person meeting location and schedule.


  • Is there a curfew?
  • What is the curfew schedule?
  • Areas near your home that you are allowed outside of curfew. (Take out the trash to the street? Apartment gym? Parking lot?)
  • What actions to take in case of emergency? (Driving to a hospital after midnight.)
  • How to request a temporal curfew schedule change.
  • What kind of occasion would allow curfew schedule change?

Ankle Monitor

  • How often to charge the Ankle Monitor?
  • Where are you allowed to charge the Ankle Monitor? (During the drive to work?)
  • What actions to take when Ankle Monitor is broken, alerting, or dying?
  • How much do you have to pay for the Ankle Monitor?


  • What locations are you not allowed to be near?
  • What area boundary (city, county, state) are you allowed to be within?
  • Who is allowed to stay over the night at your house?

Do you have to pay for an Ankle Monitor?

If you have to pay or not for an Ankle Monitor fully depends on the case and the Supervision Officer. In many cases, the fee of the Ankle Monitor is taken care of by the probation department.

The cost of setting up an Ankle Monitor is typically between $100 to $200. The daily cost of being subject to wearing an Ankle Monitor may range from $5 to $40.

If you are currently paying for an Ankle Monitor, you may want to consider asking for waiving the payment.

How long do you need to wear an Ankle Monitor?

The amount of time that is required to wear an Ankle Monitor solely depends on the individual's legal case and the court order. It can range anywhere from a few weeks, months, or years, up to a lifetime.

However, there are many stories the court has dismissed the Ankle Monitor restriction early in the legal process of submitting a motion.

How to Legally Remove an Ankle Monitor Early

How can your Supervision Officer help you?

What your Supervision Officer can do for you entirely depends on your Supervision Officer. He or she will have all the right to say yes or no to your request.

That said, if you need help from your Supervision Officer, always try to politely ask instead of shying away. The answer may be no, but you will never know without asking. There are many stories indicating that Supervision Officers can be very supportive.

  • Ask if the supervision officer would support your court request for removing the Ankle Monitor.
  • Ask if the Ankle Monitor belt can be resized.
  • Ask to adjust or extend the curfew schedule. For example, extend from 8 pm to 10 pm due to work.
  • Ask if the area you are allowed to be in can be expanded.
  • Ask if the area you are allowed to be after the curfew can be expanded.
  • Ask if the Ankle Monitor can be replaced.
  • Ask if the leg to wear the Ankle Monitor can be switched.
  • Ask if you can wear a sock under the Ankle Monitor, especially if you are in physical pain.
  • Ask if the Ankle Monitor can be upgraded to a smaller or an advanced model.
  • Ask if you can be in an extended location or schedule for a special occasion. For example, attending a wedding.
  • Ask if the Ankle Monitor payment can be waived.


What to do when performing a medical examination?

Medical examinations such as MRI, CT-Scan, and X-ray cannot be performed if the patient is wearing an Ankle Monitor. Removing the Ankle Monitor for medical examination is not allowed without permission from your Supervision Officer.

If you need such a medical examination, keep your Supervision Officer informed to avoid any legal troubles. The decision of the Ankle Monitor can be temporally removed or not will be entirely up to your Supervision Officer.

Related Keywords

There are a variety of keywords that people use to describe Ankle Monitor. This section is to help people find using different keywords.

Ankle Monitor:

  • ankle monitor
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  • ankle monitor cost
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  • ankle monitor for alcohol
  • ankle monitor house arrest
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  • ankle locator
  • ankle bracelet monitor
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  • ankle tracker
  • ankle GPS tracker
  • ankle monitor violation
  • ankle monitor cover
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  • ankle monitor for DUI
  • ankle monitor causing pain
  • ankle monitor removal
  • ankle monitor while out on bond
  • ankle monitor rules in California
  • ankle monitor side effects
  • ankle monitor lawsuit
  • ankle monitoring
  • electric ankle monitor
  • electronic monitoring
  • GPS ankle monitor
  • GPS ankle bracelet
  • GPS house arrest
  • GPS monitoring probation
  • GPS monitoring ankle bracelet

SCRAM and Alcohol Monitor:

  • scram
  • scram bracelet
  • scram device
  • scram ankle monitor
  • scram alcohol monitor
  • scram bracelet cost
  • scram GPS ankle monitor
  • scram ankle bracelet
  • scram bracelet GPS
  • scram monitor
  • DUI ankle bracelet
  • alcohol monitoring
  • alcohol ankle monitor
  • alcohol monitor bracelet
  • alcohol detection bracelet


  • types of ankle monitors
  • different types of ankle monitors
  • how does an ankle monitor work
  • what are ankle monitors for
  • what is an ankle monitor
  • why do people get ankle monitors
  • how does a scram bracelet work
  • what crimes get an ankle monitor
  • how much does an ankle monitor cost
  • what does an ankle monitor look like
  • how to make scram bracelet more comfortable
  • how to make ankle monitor more comfortable
  • how long do you have to wear an ankle monitor
  • how long will I have to wear scram bracelet
  • how to hide an ankle monitor
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  • do ankle monitors have microphones
  • do ankle monitors detect alcohol
  • can ankle monitors detect alcohol
  • can ankle monitors detect drugs
  • can a scram bracelet detect drugs
  • do scram bracelets have GPS
  • does scram alcohol monitor have GPS
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  • can't afford scram bracelet
  • how to get off ankle monitor early
  • how do ankle monitors work
  • how to get ankle monitor off
  • GPS ankle monitor how it works


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  • parole ankle monitor
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